Is thermography as good as a mammogram?
Is ultrasound used for diagnosing breast cancer? Sometimes. Ultrasound is a painless way to detect abnormalities in the breast by projecting high frequency sound waves into the breast. The pattern of echoes from these sound waves is converted by computer into a visual image of the interior of the breast. It is most useful in telling the difference between solid masses and cysts, especially in younger women whose breasts are very dense. It does not, however, show microcalcifications or identify very small cancers, so it is not as good as mammography for screening. Ultrasound is being used in some medical centers to follow high risk patients who have had lumpectomy and radiation therapy treatments. Is CT scanning used in detecting breast cancer? A CT scan, which takes a series of pictures shot from different angles, is synthesized by a computer to produce a detailed picture of a section of tissue. So far, CT scans have been useful in detecting cancer in small dense breasts whi...